Donate Now!
Your donation to the Mauthausen Committee Austria is tax deductible for you!
In 2000 Mauthausen Committee Austria inherited the legacy of the survivors of Mauthausen Concentration Camp. This legacy serves as the foundation of all our activities toward "Never Again".
We finance our work largely via projects, contributions of sponsor organizations, and naturally private donors. Nearly all our staff members are volunteers. In order to continue our numerous important activities, we require the support of as many donors as possible.
If you are inspired by the work we do and want to help us with a particular project or our everyday work you can donate using the bank details below. Whether a one-off donation or a direct debit, everything helps and we are grateful for any sum.
What do we need for your donation to be deductible?
Since October 2020, your donation to the MKÖ is tax deductible by the Austrian government. In order for your donation to be automatically taken into account by the tax office, we ask you to also provide us with your date of birth along with your donation (on the payment slip, in the "payment reference" field when banking online). Then we can transmit your data to the tax office accordingly.
Since your data will be compared with the Central Register of Residents when reporting to the tax office, and to ensure that your donation is not assigned to an incorrect person, we ask you to consider the following: Provide your full and correct name, exactly as it appears on your registration form. We will report your name and date of birth to the IRS by the end of February of the following year and your donation will be included on your employee assessment or income tax return without any further concern on your part.
If you do not want your donation to be tax deductible, do not provide us with your date of birth. Once we have received your complete data, but you do not want any further transmission to the tax office, you can easily object to this with a short message by letter or e-mail to us (
Mauthausen Committee Austria works on a daily basis toward "Never again". Every donation has a direct effect and supports our work.
Bank Details
Mauthausen Komitee Österreich
Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (BAWAG)
IBAN: AT621400010010674528