Comité International de Mauthausen
The Comité International de Mauthausen (International Mauthausen Committee - CIM) can trace its roots to the resistance activities which took place in 1944 in Mauthausen concentration camp. The concentration camp prisoners recognised quickly that resistance and solidarity against the SS would be more effective if the attempts were made to cooperate and overcome national and political differences.
The CIM continued its activities after liberation and has been very active in many matters relating to the memorial sites and related issues in Austria.
The CIM is an international organisation that chose Austria as its base due to the location of Mauthausen. The Comité International de Mauthausen (CIM), the Austrian Mauthausen Committee (MKÖ) and the Austrian Camp Community (ÖLM) have worked together closely on many projects and activities.
As the survivors of the camp have a strong interest in ensuring that their decades of work is carried on for future generations, many young people have been introduced to the work of the CIM – many of whom are the children or grandchildren of Mauthausen victims.
In this way, the invaluable work of the CIM is continued in the spirit of the former prisoners and in memory of the guiding principle of the organisation: "overcoming national borders through solidarity".
Today 21 nations are represented: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, The Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, USA and Belarus.
Comité International de Mauthausen
Obere Donaustraße 97-99/4/5
1020 Wien
Guy Dockendorf, Präsident (
Ingrid Bauz, Generalsekretärin (